Thursday, June 24, 2010

Things we forgot to bring

  1. Can Opener - kind of a problem since about half our food is in cans. The hammer seems to be working for now.
  2. Inner Tube - we could have been tubing this whole time!
  3. Silicone Spatula - we're scraping our non-stick frying pan to pieces ...

Casualties of Huck Finn 2010

  1. Port side engine temperature guage - how nervous should this make me?
  2. Mike's iphone - Simon's rice method worked and the iphone is back online!
  3. Showering - what's the point?
  4. Shirt-wearing - see number 3 above
  5. Syrup - where did this disappear to?! Pancakes just aren't the same ...
  6. My beard - it was waaay too hot to have a beard!
  7. Dining table - the metal cup/bracket that's bolted to the floor and that you put the metal table leg/cylinder into broke off! It's just like the ones in the older Born Frees, but I'm not sure where we'll pick up a new one ...
  8. Simon's sunglasses - they were nice Ray Bans. We think the wind took them - gale force earlier today.
  9. Honeywell generator - the thing is brand new, but it turns off every 20 - 30 minutes! Why in the world ..?!
  10. Huckleberry Finn - where does a book disappear to on a 33ft boat?!
  11. Starboard railing - not gone, but worse for the wear.
  12. Anchor - had no idea an anchor could bend like that ...
  13. Anchor - lost another anchor when a huge tree hit and snapped the anchor line!
  14. Can opener - after finally getting one, it broke! Guess that's what we get for buying the cheapest one Walmart carries ...
  15. Towel - it blew off the bow, but it was so hot that we were just happy to have a breeze!
  16. Dirt Devil - the river claimed the roller brush and the belt. Sorry, Mom.
  17. 3qt sauce pan - one minute it was in Simon's hand, the next it was at the bottom of the river.